Saturday, August 27, 2011


On Tuesday I will start my first class as a Senior in High School.
I don't believe it. Didn't I just start ninth grade? It's so strange to me that it seems so close, yet so far doesn't even make sense. But I remember it so well. I had braces, and a pair of patchy green shoes that I wore everywhere, I was so excited to be in Pilgrim. I took my outside classes at Cheiftain and Co-op. I became a Christian on my first youth retreat.

Now I'm seventeen, and instead of looking up to the senior class, they're now looking up to me to be a good example. I've had three years of High School, I've done three shows, I've done a lot of growing up and God has shown me so much more than I knew entering High School. Now I'm taking classes at community college and thinking about the future a whole lot more. So much, in just three years.

And I know that there will be so much more to learn and love this year, and I'm so freaking excited for it! Here's to Senior Year, may you bring fun memories and laughter. And may we all learn a lot, and have the time of our lives. :)

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