Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Don't know much about History....

Don't know much Biology
Don't know much about a Science book
Don't know much about the French I took
But I do know that I love you
And I think that if you love me too
What a wonderful world this would be...
{Sam Cooke wonderful world}

So that totally doesnt relate to the post (does the title ever?) But life has been good here pretty much.

Here we go.

Friday. CoOp as always. Which was good. Iced Coffee and Muffin morning, good class. Then I had a meeting at Butlers Orchard. :D have I ever said I love my job? I do. It's hard (one of the hardest things I've ever done!) but I love it. I finally got to go on a tour of the whole farm, which was awesome. So many new things, and it's so pretty!

After the meeting, I went to an open house for Jayme and Kirstin's Dad. He became a Colonel! That's a really big deal. :) So I went to congratulate him and talk to their family. It was fun. :D Congrats Colonel Deweber! :D

Then I went to the Women's meeting at church. AH I wish I could right a post for every hour I was there. It was SO incredible! I learned so much and enjoyed fellowship with my sisters in Christ SO much!

Then the next day, another Iced Coffee and Muffing morning. Lots of sugar in the coffee. When we went to the women's meeting that morning, one of the games was asking who had the most sugar in their coffee. Instantly my mom starting laughing and I lowered my head! I put eight sugars in my coffee! but I lost, to a girl who put 20! thats just...gross...

The messages were incredible. Again! I cannot begin to express or explain how much I learned! Then after the conference, I went out to Lunch with my mom, Kiera, Jenn, Mrs Fairchild and Elizabeth and Mrs Kelley. :D YAY! And I totally failed doing what we just learned about. Kiera was irritating me, and instead of thinking "what did Jesus do? How can I do what he did?" I yelled at her. As soon as I did I realized what an idiot I am. This of course, spurred on a wonderful conversation. :D

Then I went to my soccer game. Played hard, regretted eating so close to a game. :P Man it was hot out! Someone's mom brought towels in ice water for us to wrap around our necks when we were on the bench. Which was SO amazing. Then we went home. You know that feeling (most people call it sunburn) when your skin is like on fire and you retain heat? Yeah I had that. Showered. Got ready to go, then got picked up by the Fairchilds to see Chris and Meghan play in their Orchestra. :D

Their Orchestra was incredible, everything was so beautifully played. Chris had a cello solo that blew me away! Well done, Chris and Meghan! You played spectacularly. :)

Then I got to go to Ihop (got lost on the way with Mrs Fairchild in a parking lot! :D ) and have some pancakes and Chocolate Milk with friends, and some members of the Perdue's orchestra too. It was tons of fun! :D

Then I got home. Couldn't sleep. I think it was the worst night of insomnia I have had. I ended up going down to my parents room, waking Mom up (through tears. I was very frustrated.) and she gave me medicine to make me go to sleep. So that was frustrating. But of course after that I slept well. Dad had mercy on me the next day, we were going to go to first service. He let me sleep in and go to second service. Thank you daddy.

At Church I got ALEX AND BRETT HARRIS' NEW BOOK: START HERE! :D :D :D As well as Elisabeth Elliot's book THROUGH GATES OF SPLENDOR! :D :D :D Yes...I'm extremely excited. I already finished Start Here. :D Incredible book. I highly recommend it.

Working on renovations of my Summer Blog. :D Starting back up soon!

